Strong-hearted stories, dark & funny

40. WRITING THE CHILD CEPHALINA… not the greatest writing day

March 9th 2017:- Tried hard to write today, but in the middle of my struggle, the man who was going to help me with my water butts came over, and so I lost concentration. Got back to it though, only to look outside to find two cats in my yard paying a great deal of attention to my frogs in their pond who were trying to protect their spawn. So the day blithered on, and at 6.15 this evening I happened to look out of my writing room window down to the pond to see a creature standing there looking into the frog pond….. dark red and with very straight legs, and before I even knew what I was saying, [2x gin and tonic later], I banged on the window with my glass and said ‘Get away from there foxy!’ The creature just stared at me, so I had to go out there, and he/she took off, light, silent and beautiful. I should really have just watched that fox for a while. I’d known he/she was about because of the stupid big holes it dug in my garden. Can’t say I’ve ever seen one before though.

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Writer Rebecca Lloyd