Strong-hearted stories, dark & funny

Category Archives: Work in progress

Short Stories|Snippets of work in progress

Snippet from a work in progress, absurdly long sentence:-
Very clean teeth – I’ll give her that, but they were rather on the large and horsey side and it really wasn’t long before I became fixated by them in a manner of speaking, in that I both wanted to see them again and at the same time dreaded the thought of it. Had she ever learnt to open her mouth with moderation, her startling row of teeth would not have been so obvious, however she would brace herself for a yawn with a curious little yelping sound, and I, intent on other things, would nevertheless find myself succumbing to a state of dazed and gruesome curiosity and be unable to stop my eyes quickly seeking the palace and its guardsmen – and then with my willpower to resist absent, I would brace myself to watch the operation of that very big jaw rather in the way one might stop to gorp at a crane on a building site.

Writer Rebecca Lloyd